GLA:D™ Canada Exercise Program

A picture demonstrating services for hip arthritis in London OntarioKnee Arthritis Services in London Ontario

Based on Good Life with OsteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D®), the GLA:D™ Canada program is a nationwide evidence-based initiative that follows the current recommendations for the treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). It includes online data tracking, 2 education and 12 exercise sessions for individuals with stiff, painful knees and/or hips due to osteoarthritis. OA can be caused or influenced by irreversible factors such as age, gender and heredity and modifiable factors such as previous joint injury, being overweight, heavy repetitive work and weak musculature. Typically, the disease develops slowly over many years. Clinical guidelines for the treatment of hip and knee OA recommend patient education, exercise and weight loss (if needed) as a first line treatment. The GLA:D™ program is unique because it provides targeted exercise that can be applied to movement in everyday activities.

Research shows participants being more physically active, reporting less pain, reduced use of pain medications and may delay or prevent the need for surgery. This initiative is supported by Bone and Joint Canada, The Arthritis Society, and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Who is eligible for the GLA:D™ Program?

Anyone with pain or stiffness from knee and/or hip OA. This includes mild to severe disease.
Please note: X-rays or Doctor referrals are not required for participation in the GLA:D™ Canada program.

Program Overview

All assessment, education, and exercise sessions are provided and attended by a registered Physiotherapist with GLA:D™ Canada certification.
The program includes a 60-minute assessment with a licensed physiotherapist of anyone presenting with hip or knee pain and stiffness. This assessment will determine if the person is eligible for participation in the GLA:D™ program and explain the program, risks, benefits and alternatives. Two standardized tests (40 m fast paces walk test and a 30 second chair stand test) will be completed to monitor progress during the program.
A mandatory component of the program is online data collection pre-program, 3 and 12 months after completion of the GLA:D™ exercise program. Two 60-minute small group education sessions will be held at ReActive Physiotherapy. 12 – (2 times per week for 6 weeks) exercises sessions will be completed with other GLA:D participants in a small group format at ReActive Physiotherapy.


Results from Denmark for 10,000 participants at one year follow-up include:

  • a 27% reduction in pain intensity
  • a 37% and 45% reduction in use of joint related pain medications for knee and hip OA participants respectively
  • 20% of GLA:D™ participants with knee OA were on sick leave, compared to 30% at baseline
  • An over 30% increase in self-reported physical activity levels


Education Sessions happen 2 mornings per month please contact us for an upcoming class.

Exercise Classes are Monday and Thursday 9:00 am – 10:00 am at ReActive Physiotherapy. Evening classes are available.


$40 per session for 14 sessions

To register or for further inquiries or to find out if the program is right for you please call 519-601-5522, email or visit

GLA:D™ Canada is licensed to the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation and is being implemented by Bone and Joint Canada.

Additional Information

To learn more, review this infographic from GLA:D™ Canada.